Sunday, September 16, 2012

 Ok been a while since I last posted  But things have been UP ;) Sewing machine fixed ,garb getting made  I'm now a official Member of the SCA ( got my card Friday), took Daughters 3 and 4 to their first event and they had a blast,   the event was mostly a Archery  and that is what the girls and I love ;)  Got to try several different types of Bows and I must say that the Hungarian Horse bow is my new Fav ..I want one so bad ;)  it has a smooth pull to it and the release is great I feel like I can shoot this type of bow all day and never get tired  I'm serious  I pull a 50 lbs re curve and My arms get tired , But that 50ish lbs Horse bow felt like nothing  I'm going to be doing some serious research   in to  the history about this bow . ok enough about that,  D4 learned about blacksmithing and she made a lantern hook for me ;) and she had lots of fun helping out  D3 competed with me in the shooting I she wants her own Bow now ;)  they got a kick out of the Heavy weapons fighting there was a Lord there that could really get the crowed laughing , and at the end of a long day we were tired and sun burned, full from the most lovey  feast , the girls was given two feast daggers (handmade by blacksmiths )  Agin Thank YOU!!! Milords ;) Learned about Horse bows,Made new friends  

 Keeping the dream Alive
 Lady Dierdre Ruadh NicChonmara
 aka Michele Lynd

Monday, August 13, 2012

 Well things are going up and down LOL the down my foot still hurts , my sewing machine is broke so no garb getting done ;( the up I went back to work and I found someone to fix said sewing machine ;) and I lost weight went from 213 to 207 that is good   well sorry it is so short hope fully I will be posting more after the sewing machine is fixed

In servise of the Dream
Lady Dierdre Ruadh NicChonmara

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ok here is a down at least for me, I had decided to get out my Archery stuff ,Set up the target, string my bow check my arrows to see if they are still safe and Losse YEA!!!!!Hit the target 3 out of 5 not to bad for some one that has not done this in a wile Bow is down and walk to my target get my arrows and what do I do, fall in a old fence pole hole that was never filled in  DUH!!! ankle sore go back to shooting  after a few rounds and I'm having lots of fun , my Daughter Harley comes out to see what I'm doing so, I start teaching her how to soot we have a lot of laughs and she has found something she might like to do in the SCA Well I go help her retrieve her arrows and I fall in that hole again with same ankle Darn it , she goes back to shooting and youngest Daughter  Leslie comes out to see what we are doing  So I start another lesson and WHAT do I do again Fall in that stupid hole my ankle is now swollen and throbbing and probably sprained  Well I'm down for a wile Bright side to this now I get to sit and work on my sons tunic ;) So there is the up ;)

In service of the Dream
Michele Aka: Lady Dierdre Ruadh NicConmara

Monday, July 16, 2012

 Well it has been a few days and I have now gone tho all my garb, Boy I don't remember having all that  and there was some more mice damage but nothing I can't fix,  I'm thinking of attending a local event here it will be in Sept.  and I'm getting my membership back.  Dear Husband has agreed to help me build some things ;) A few benches and a table will post  pic's as soon as I get them done.  Been watching the BBC 's version of Robin Hood tho not period I like ,The guy playing him is cute ;) Hey !! I can LOOK  I hate to say this I can't wait to go back to work so I can get started on some of these projects, but in the mean time  I'll read and sew

 For Ever the Dream
Michele : Aka Lady Dierdre Ruadh NicConmara

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Well today was a hot and sweaty , I went to find my old garb in storage  and after going tho what seemed like a ton of toats I found them all 7 toats  and looks like not to much damage just lost one dress that I can see it was my green velvet over dress :( I like that one too), oh well I'm going to see what I can salvage of it and make the kids something ,I can see I'm going to have fun , Harley as already told me she wants my plaid skirt ,white chamies and waist clincher, She says she wants to look just like Mommy did in my pic's, the scary thing is if her hair was redder she could (shakes head)  now I wonder if any of the garb will still fit ??I know I have gained since I last put this stuff on so after a good washing I'll have to try some on and see, if not that just means new Garb for me Yeppie !!!!! I'm also going to lose weigh I need to lose abut two sizes more I givin up on the pound thing cause muscle is heavier so I'll just go by size  and the start of the summer I was in a 18  now I'm a 16   so I'm doing good I hope by x-mas to be a 14,  So wish me luck

 The other thing I did was find my copy of the Known World Handbook,  I'm going to be doing some serious reading I have been out of it for so long I feel like a newbie ;) and I'll be watching some Scadian type movies with the kids tonight , Don't know what one they will pic ;) but it will be fun

In Service Of The Dream
 Michele aka: Lady Dierdre Ruadh NicConmara

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

 I guess you can say this started about a yr or two ago I was thinking of everything I have done and One thing kept popping in my mind and that was the SCA now you ask what is that well it is a group of people that reenact the middle ages  and I used to do that and I learned a lot and had fun ,meet great people and made lasting friendshipsso after talking to  of these great friends and my kids and husband I have decided to start my way back to it  and this blog will be my journal of the ups and downs of it ;)

Forever the Dream,
Michele( aka Lady Dierdre Ruadh NicConmara)